Monday, January 17, 2011

The most common indication for Mini Dental Implants

The single most widely used application of Mini Dental Implants is for stabilization of lower full dentures. Four or five mini dental implants inserted into the lower jaw, without major gum and bone surgery, minimum local anesthesia, no sutures, very minimal post-operative pain, is the ideal situation for the patient and the dentist. The cost factor of the mini dental implants to the patient is also more tolerable than comparable standard implants.
However, the bone in the upper jaw is generally less dense that in the lower jaw. As a result, mini dental implants are usually less firm in the upper jaw than in the lower jaw, and are often loose right at the time of placement or become loose soon after the upper denture starts taking support from the mini dental implants. As a result, the wider standard implants may be better in the upper jaw.
I will talk about the use of the mini dental implants for crowns and bridges soon.
I have more details at my website or

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to share this information on dental implants. I enjoyed the details that you provided to improve your dental health. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
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